Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Barbara Basham Bostic: The Lush Green of Summer

Barbara Basham Bostic: The Lush Green of Summer: It's rained all day long here in Apex, NC.  From the looks of things when I awakened this morning, it rained all night.  Flood watch is ...

Monday, September 8, 2014

Barbara Basham Bostic: The Lush Green of Summer

Barbara Basham Bostic: The Lush Green of Summer: It's rained all day long here in Apex, NC.  From the looks of things when I awakened this morning, it rained all night.  Flood watch is ...

The Lush Green of Summer

It's rained all day long here in Apex, NC.  From the looks of things when I awakened this morning, it rained all night.  Flood watch is being posted on television.

As I look out the window, I can tell that the lush green of summer is fading.  Here and there, leaves of yellow and gold mingle with the lush green blanket of summer and, occasionally, one relaxes its watery grasp on the bending limb and drifts slowly to the ground.

The ceiling fan above my head circles slowly, encouraging a cool breeze to enter through the open door to the screened porch.  The only sound I hear other than the rain as it falls upon the trees, slips along the leaves and falls gently to the ground, is the comforting squeak from my rocking recliner. It's Monday.  And, finally, I'm nearing the completion of This, Too, Shall Pass.  By the end of this week, I plan to order my first proof.  Yes, nothing ever seems to happen on the timetable I suggest, but the summer has flown by so swiftly.

Now about that timetable and the best laid plans of mice and.........

I was really looking forward to the Mountain Spirits Festival in Rocky Mount on October 4th. My second book, This, Too, Shall Pass, will be available at Amazon by that time and I was excited to introduce it. But that same date marks my granddaughter's 21st birthday which is being celebrated at ECU's homecoming football game where Mitchell performs with the Dance Team.  It also serves as a WELCOME HOME for my grandson Zack who returns from the Middle East in late September.  So, as much as I would like to have been in attendance for the Mountain Spirits Festival, there's just no way I'm going to miss the grand festivities in Greenville, NC that same date.

So I'll leave you with a bit of poetry from the book.


I am me, and you are you,
And nowhere on earth is there another like us; as individual as a fingerprint, no two are the same.
Yet we are each a rainbow’s blend of all the world’s people, a potpourri of everyone we know.
When two lives touch, no matter how slightly, they become a part of the other.  If thought is provoked, reaction occurs and,
Layer upon layer, a character grows.  
Touch gently, lest ye bruise.
So treat one another gently.  We are each bearing our own individual burdens.

Best regards,