Without a 9 to 5 job to structure my life, sometimes I don't really know what day it is. Friday is easy - it's the WEEKEND! Saturday and Sunday are easier, everybody's out and about. Monday, well, everybody's going back to work. And then come Whatstoday, Whatstoday, and Whatstoday (Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, in case you're wondering) and I don't have a clue!
But I do know today's Monday and I'm hoping you have a productive one.
Here's an excerpt from the final page of This, Too, Shall Pass (yes, I began with the end in mind), which is nearing completion. Maybe another week or two. Writing Before The Lake was fun. This one is NOT fun, and I will be happy to be finished with it. Sometimes the past is best left in the past but, again, sometimes it's important to shed the light of day on the darkness and that's what I've tried to do. Hopefully, someone else will benefit.
With the stroke of a pen, a writer can tug a comforting smile from our lips, or trace a tear down our checks; he can make our hearts flutter with trembling fear or soar with joy. Many a patriotic thunder found its voice flooding from the writer’s pen, as noted artists from the past have demonstrated. A writer has the ability to spark imagination and to instill a curiosity that invites the reader to explore their own personal feelings, to evaluate the resulting emotions, perhaps to form an opinion as a result of the writer’s fearless exposure.
Whatever it is that the writer would have us feel in his earnest endeavor to present to us the gift of his soul, it matters not whether we agree. A writer’s only desire is that we listen – with open hearts and minds - and that we try to understand.Now that I'm a Tar Heel again, I'm Feelin' It! You?
Click on this link for our native son who's definitely feelin' it!
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