Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Yes, it's SPRINGTIME.  It gets harder to write every day now, what with wanting to be out and about in this beautiful North Carolina weather.

BUT, The Knock At The Door is progressing.  As Jerrica does a wheelie into her new life, we find her here:

“So how does anyone get a flat tire when they’re flying? You passed me going so fast, I figured you would be in Matamoras by now.”
A teasing smile tugged at the corner of his mouth and she was, suddenly and forever, head over heels in love.
That had been four years ago. She could no longer remember why she was headed into the Valley.  She didn’t know if she accomplished her mission there. It no longer mattered.
Jerrica tossed back the sheet and swung her legs to the floor. Turning toward the bathroom she grabbed her cosmetic bag. She turned on the hot water in the shower, letting it run hot long enough to steam up the room. Soap, shampoo, and toothpaste later, she climbed into her jeans, pulled on a fresh t-shirt and stepped into her boots. A new day and suddenly she was starving. Georgia country ham and eggs with fresh hot biscuits for breakfast sounded like a feast.
So how will Jerrica create her new life, here where she knows no one, with very few resources. Let's not forget that Jerrica is a very resourceful woman.

Stay with me while I figure all this out.  :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Well, HELLO, Springtime!!!

Are you ready for Springtime??? Yes, yes, yes, would be most of our answers.  A long cold, and for many of you, snowy winter. But now those early bloomers are poking their cute little heads above soil and working up a blossom.  For me, it's seemed a long time coming. Winter's not my favorite time of year(and if it is yours, I have to wonder about you :) haha.)

Anyway...you know I advertise myself as a "wannabe" writer, looking for something new, but I'm thinking that  may be on the verge of changing.  I may actually become a real author with this book, which I've been working on for a while now.  The beginning and end came so easy (yes, nobody thinks that's the way a book gets written, but in this case, it is), so when I wasn't getting any inspiration or help from my heroine, Jerrica, I was beginning to think that might be the end of The Knock at The Door. 

Then, miracle of all miracles and feeling like a million dollars, I woke up yesterday morning with the entire thing in my mind, unless that changes somewhere along the way. I never know quite what Jerrica has in mind. Anyway, I dreamed the middle of my book, and I can tell you now it's a romance novel inside out.  I'm so excited to finish it.  I'm telling you, I didn't know I had it in me. The outline is complete, chapters are named, and I am in love with this woman.  Here's a snippet for you:

 'With $55 in her wallet,  a full tank of gas in Sugar, and a thousand dollars on her debit card, there weren't a lot of options now.  But maybe that was best; it certainly narrowed the field.  She was thirty five years old and there were hopefully enough years lying ahead of her in her pastureland that she could make a life for herself, a life she wants that is not carved out for her or determined by fate (ed: really?). Jerrica had survived a bad marriage which had, fortunately or unfortunately, produced no children (ed: and a heartbreaking love affair) so with only two siblings with whom she had no close relationships there was just her.  Just Jerrica. No more Jack, no more Blade.  Enough relationships with bad endings.

“Full speed ahead,” she spoke aloud.  “Full speed ahead.” Again, she pressed down hard on Sugar’s accelerator and tore ahead on the Texas highway that stretched ahead of her, straight and flat, with nothing to be seen in the distance except the edge where land meets sky. Straight into the envelope."

Jerrica is making a fresh start, leaving behind two loves, and heading toward the third who would be the last. Each of them had a part in making her who she was, for better or worse, and she knew no boundaries.

If you're tired of feeling like you need a shower when you finish a book, you'll fall head over heels in love with this book, and deep in sleep to dream...to dream...to dream.

Happy Springtime!

P.S.  Betty Ann Bostic, I'm going to be shipping you a manuscript soon in the hope you're still willing to edit.