Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Yes, it's SPRINGTIME.  It gets harder to write every day now, what with wanting to be out and about in this beautiful North Carolina weather.

BUT, The Knock At The Door is progressing.  As Jerrica does a wheelie into her new life, we find her here:

“So how does anyone get a flat tire when they’re flying? You passed me going so fast, I figured you would be in Matamoras by now.”
A teasing smile tugged at the corner of his mouth and she was, suddenly and forever, head over heels in love.
That had been four years ago. She could no longer remember why she was headed into the Valley.  She didn’t know if she accomplished her mission there. It no longer mattered.
Jerrica tossed back the sheet and swung her legs to the floor. Turning toward the bathroom she grabbed her cosmetic bag. She turned on the hot water in the shower, letting it run hot long enough to steam up the room. Soap, shampoo, and toothpaste later, she climbed into her jeans, pulled on a fresh t-shirt and stepped into her boots. A new day and suddenly she was starving. Georgia country ham and eggs with fresh hot biscuits for breakfast sounded like a feast.
So how will Jerrica create her new life, here where she knows no one, with very few resources. Let's not forget that Jerrica is a very resourceful woman.

Stay with me while I figure all this out.  :)

1 comment:

  1. I think this one is gonna make me cry~
    Hope the pic works out; you're right: perfect.......keep it coming!
